Remote Supervision Solutions In a Post-Pandemic World

Remote supervision solutions are becoming more popular in the current pandemic world, as they are needed to keep officers and supervised individuals safe and healthy. However, in a post-pandemic world these solutions could be the key to continuing to reduce recidivism and keeping individuals out of the criminal justice system.

Cisco recently published a Flash Poll, Reintegration Technology, that collected poll data of State and Local Government Officials on Correctional Technology. “A growing number of states are looking for more holistic ways to reduce recidivism and effectively supervise formerly incarcerated people who are released on parole and probation, or other community supervision programs. This includes exploring the use of technology upon release.” The poll was based off a random selection of 134 state and local respondents in October 2020.

Technology is quickly advancing to become a new approach when reducing recidivism and reintegrating individuals post incarceration back into society. “2 out 3 respondents believe that providing technology could help lower recidivism rates among those under caseworker supervision.” The technology platforms provide rehabilitative resources for individuals, as well as a source of easier communication between their supervisor and them. “Only 20% of respondents disagree that equipping those under justice system supervision with this kind of technology would benefit them.” Evolving times call for evolving methods. Technology can be one of these methods by benefiting the individual and supervisor in more impactful ways than not. “66% of respondents believe that providing technology to former inmates under supervision would help the criminal justice system carry out its mission.” This is due to the fact that released individuals on probation or parole can be equipped better to attend programs and meet with their caseworkers in a more effective fashion. A new exploration in the criminal justice system is the idea of new ‘tracking’ systems, i.e., replacing ankle monitors. Providing different solutions or ones tethered to ankle devices can provide less stigma and more resources for individuals. 

TRACKtech is working to reduce this stigma by providing fully secured and integrated phones to supervised individuals. The phones can be integrated or tethered with ankle monitors or bracelets to provide more security. By having this integration, individuals can have access to resources, helpful and supportive programs, life skills tutorials and more, as well as maintain communication with supervisors. A behavioral health application is also available through our certified behavioral health partners. TRACKtech solutions are the beginning of a new technology solution that benefits individuals and provides rehabilitative support while integrating back into society.