Tools to Reduce Relapse and Recidivism

When it comes to helping reduce relapse and recidivism the new norm is taking a rehabilitative approach. Community corrections is taking on a different meaning, as helping provide support and resources for individuals in the system is a priority. Technology solutions, as well as behavioral change tools, are two ways to help rehabilitate and alter people’s lives for the better when it comes to reentering society and changing recidivating behavior.

Technology solutions are helping to enhance caseload efficiency for supervisors and provide resources to individuals to reduce relapse and recidivism. With the pandemic still affecting the normal way of life, technology has become the lifeline for the world. Virtual court hearings, the release of individuals to mitigate overcrowding and the spread of COVID-19 in prisons, and remote accessibility is the new norm. Technology is also budget friendly compared to resources and funds used to house inmates. 

Many individuals have underlying triggers or ways of thinking that cause them to relapse and reoffend, but behavioral change tools help them avoid these. Different evidence-based practices can be deployed in community supervision to assist individuals. Risk Needs Responsivity (RNR) is adherence to the three most assessed principles of effective intervention, according to the United States Courts. The risk principle matches the level of service to an offender’s level of risk, resulting in providing intensive services to higher-risk clients and minimal services to lower-risk clients. The need principle targets criminogenic needs or dynamic risk factors functionally related to criminal behavior such as procriminal attitudes and substance abuse. The responsivity principle matches style and modes of intervention to abilities, motivation and the learning style of the offender (cognitive-behavioral interventions are generally most effective). RNR helps identify what drives individuals to relapse and reoffend and to outline solutions to help stop these behaviors. Additionally, cognitive behavioral therapy is used to uncover unhealthy patterns of thought and how they may be causing self-destructive behaviors and beliefs. By addressing these issues, constructive ways of thinking can be developed to produce healthier behaviors and attitudes on life and goals. Additional programs such as support groups, classes and trainings, are available. These behavioral change tools and programs are just the beginning of resources and ways when it comes to changing individuals thinking and actions behind their relapse and reoffending. 

TRACKtech offers remote and accessible programs to help rehabilitate individuals and provide support. Our mobile platform offers comprehensive rehabilitation and compliance monitoring capabilities. Our solution enhances communication, monitors risks and provides an approach to enhance recovery and support reentry requirements within the criminal justice industry. Addressing a wide range of supervised individuals’ needs, from healthcare to those of the justice-involved, the platform integrates community-based resources to enable successful rehabilitation, reentry, and increased public safety. Our technology allows supervisors and specialists to have improved contact with their clients to guide them and create the right track to avoiding relapse and reoffending.