Right Mind, Right Track

Post incarceration life is challenging as individuals face countless barriers acclimating back into society. Adjusting to new norms and society again can be overwhelming and stressful. Providing those released with resources and places to turn to for help is critical. This also includes checking on one’s mental health and providing behavioral health resources for coping with new beginnings, substance abuse, and habits of recidivism.

TRACKtech has partnered with a digital health and behavioral science company to offer a wide range of behavioral services on TRACKtech solutions. The company specializes in increasing access to effective behavior change interventions for those struggling with substance abuse by utilizing cognitive behavioral therapy at scale and integrating therapeutic approaches that are interactive, engaging and highly personalized for the individual. There is a high percentage of drug and alcohol use/addiction among incarcerated and released individuals, with a lack of interventions and resources to help overcome substance problems behind bars. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 58% of people in state prisons meet the criteria for drug abuse or a dependence and in jails 63%. Treatment programs are lacking with only 28% of inmates participating in a program in state prisons and 22% in jails. More programs should be accessible to help people overcome their substance abuse and reduce recidivism, as recidivism related to substance abuse was 52% of 68% within three years. Helping people overcome their substance dependency and addictions would decrease recidivism rates significantly and allow people to reintegrate into society more successfully.

TRACKtech is working to reduce recidivism and provide substance abuse programs and support for individuals. TRACKcase offers the option for supervisors to provide resources and programs for clients that are accessible on their devices. These programs are proven to increase recovery from substance dependency and help individuals keep their life on the right track by reducing recidivism and helping transition to life post incarceration.