Making Entry to Reentry Smooth for Offenders and Agencies

Transitioning back into society after prison can be hard for many as a lot can change in the world depending on how much time is spent behind bars. New technology evolves, jobs are more complicated and harder to acquire, and many face barriers economically when it comes to providing a stable lifestyle for themselves. Released individuals lack the support and resources to successfully enter society again, as there is a bare minimum of reentry programs and assistance available. 

There are currently over 2.3 million people spending some of their life incarcerated, but once released, they struggle with what comes next. The Politico published an article about five new policy ideas for fixing life after prison and the reentry system that affects so many. Individuals released from prison face huge obstacles when rebuilding their lives and many end up back in prison, as “according to one study, almost 70 percent are re-arrested within three years.” The next major criminal justice reform initiative is working to provide rehabilitative and reentry support to individuals to successfully become part of society again. COVID-19 has prompted the release of individuals in prison to help reduce overcrowding, prompting even more support for reentry initiatives.

The Politico goes into detail about the five topics that lead to new initiatives to help reduce recidivism and provide useful support and skills for life after incarceration. With reentry comes a link between recidivism and homelessness. Tackling homelessness can reduce jail overcrowding as many facilities’ populations are comprised of homeless people who steal, suffer from mental health issues or simply commit a crime to have a place to stay. Another study found that beginning reentry programs while individuals are still incarcerated can drastically decreased recidivism and sets up that individual to live a more successful life with learned skills. Additionally, educating society on criminal records and the different levels of crime classification can reduce the stigma associated with ‘having a record’. Many face barriers when it comes to applying for jobs and housing due to their past. There are high unemployment rates for previously incarcerated individuals, but this is being solved through facilities helping inmates find jobs before release. This ensures one less thing they have to do and sets them up on the right track to live a stable life. Finally, assisting in obtaining proper identification would help individuals be successful with reentry as it can be hard for many to do so. These are just the bare minimum of problems when it comes to reentry that solving would extremely benefit individuals.There are many programs, resources and technology available for offenders and agencies to deploy.

TRACKtech has created and developed an evidence-based, data-driven, mobile platform that offers comprehensive rehabilitation and compliance monitoring capabilities. Our solution enhances communication, monitors risks and provides an approach to enhance recovery and support reentry requirements within the criminal justice industry. TRACKtech solutions can help PO’s support their clients by providing behavioral health programs, reentry programs, life support skills and programs, and access to housing, education and job listings. If you have questions about how our products and services can benefit an agency, please reach out to us at There is so much to be done to make the entry to reentry process smooth and seamless for those involved in the process and we are here to help.